- Department of Christian Development and Domestic studies
- Department of Fictions and mythological studies
- Department of Culture and anthropological studies
- Department of Deities and spiritological studies
- Department of Ecclesiological Arts
- Department of History and Ethnological studies
- Department of Humanities and Heroic studies
- Department of Bible characters
- Department of Episcopal and Ecclesiastical superintendence
- Department of Sects and theoretical studies
- Department of Practical priesthood and ministerial arts
- Department of Stewardship and Accountability
- Department of Charisma
- Department of Practical preaching and teaching
- Department of Gospel Arts
- Department of Christian Ethics and traditional analysis
- Department of Business Theology
- Department of Fundamental Christian Teachings
- Department of Skills and Christian customs
- Department of Biblical laws and moral commandments
- Department of Bible Historiography
- Department of Bible mysteries and Revelations
- Department of General scholastic studies
- Department of Seminal studies
- Department of Protestants and Denominationalism
- Department of Merit and Cognitive Studies
- Department of Christian Exegesis
- Department of Christian Lexicon
- Department of Christian laws, Arts and Social studies
- Department of Pulpit Terminology and Emphasis
- Department of JESUS STUDIES, also known as the school of Jesus and the school in Jesus or school of Christ
- Department of The School of Non Christian Religions
- Department of general studies
- Department of ministerial knowledge
- Department of statistical survey
- Department of open studies
- Department of Revelations
- Department of elective courses
- LASS 11001 History of western Philosophy
- LASS 11002 The Decalogue
- LASS 11003 The Gospel laws
- LASS 11004 Christians and laws
- LASS 11005 Ministers and international relations
- LASS 11006 Missions and Diplomatic studies
- LASS 11007 Philosophy of law
- LASS 11008 Life of psychology
- LASS 11009 Developmental psychology
- LASS 11010 Introduction to sociology
- LASS 11011 African philosophy
- LASS 11012 Sociology of Education
- LAS S 11013 Aspects of philosophy
- LASS 11014 Invitation to general philosophy
- LASS 11015 Philosophy and logic
- LASS 11016 Insight to life philosophy
- LASS 11017 Legal studies
- LASS 11018 Cultural laws
- LASS 11019 Insight to state laws
- LASS 11020 The meaning of philosophy
- LASS 11021 Approach to psychology
- LASS 11022 Reasoning of philosophy
- LASS 11023 The love of wisdom
- LASS 11024 Ministerial Ethics
- LASS 11025 Overcoming crisis
- LASS 11026 Philosophy of success
- LASS 11027 Life management
- LASS 11028 Juriditiology
- LASS 11029 Intro to mental politics
- LASS 11030 Philosophy of politics
- LASS 11031 Psychology of politics
- LASS 11032 Sociology of politics
- LASS 11033 Anthropology of politics
- LASS 11034 Crisis management
- LASS 11035 Sociology of missions
- LASS 11036 Archeological theology
- LASS 11037 Cosmology of the Bible Palestine
- LASS 11038 Ecclesiastical ideology
- LASS 11039 History of modern cults
- LASS 11040 Intro to N.T. World studies
- LASS 11041 Insight to cults and world Religions
- LASS 11042 Eschatological mysteries
- LASS 11043 Doctrine of global creation
- LASS 11044 Redemption campaigners ministry
- LASS 11045 Insight to global Christianization
- LASS 11046 Insight to ancient Civilization
- LASS 11047 Insight to ancient religiousity
- LASS 11048 Evidences of natural religion
- LASS 11049 Growth and mental development
- LASS 11050 Growth and psychological development
- LASS 11051 Growth and sociological development
- LASS 11052 Growth and Anthropological development
- LASS 11053 Growth and theological development
- LASS 11054 Growth and philosophical development
- LASS 11055 Growth and reasoning development
- LASS 11056 Religion and Global influence
- LASS 11057 The church and Global changes
- LASS 11058 Insight to cosmological studies
- LASS 11059 Bible exploration
- LASS 11060 Exploration of psychology I
- LASS 11061 Exploration of psychology II
- LASS 11062 Fundamental Christian knowledge
- LASS 11063 New Testament verification vol I
- LASS 11064 New Testament verification vol II
- LASS 11065 New Testament verification vol III
- LASS 11066 New Testament verification Vol IV
- LASS 11067 New Testament verification vol V
- LASS 11068 New Testament verification vol VI
- LASS 11069 World of the old Testament
- LASS 11070 World of the New Testament
- LASS 11071 Parliamentary law
- LASS 11072 Cultural law
- LASS 11073 Principles for emotional control
- LASS 11074 Principles for self management
- PTE 1201 Principles of pulpit teachings
- PTE 1202 Pulpit Ethics
- PTE 1203 Principles of pulpit Preaching
- PTE 1204 Pulpit management
- PTE 1205 Altar administration
- PTE 1206 Pulpit and time management
- PTE 1207 Sacred altar
- PTE 1208 Ethics of priesthood
- PTE 1209 Sermon and altar sacrifices
- PTE 1210 Pulpit Theology
- PTE 1211 Theme and purposes of altar ministry
- PTE 1212 Doctrine of salvation
- PTE 1213 The sanctity of the altar
- PTE 1214 The God of altar sacrifice
- PTE 1215 The apologetic of altar ministry
- PTE 1216 Bible apologetics on Christian life
- PTE 1217 Bible apologetics on general matters
- PTE 1218 Bible apologetics on N.T. letters (Acts – Rev)
- PTE 1219 Bible apologetics on Poetic books (Job – Song)
- PTE 1220 Bible apologetics on Persons and works of God
- PTE 1221 Bible apologetics on Torah (Gen – Deut)
- PTE 1222 Bible apologetics on Historical books (Josh – Esth)
- PTE 1223 Bible apologetics on creation and spirit beings
- PTE 1224 Bible apologetics on the Gospel (Matt – John)
- PTE 1225 N.T. Church management
- PTE 1226 Protestant church worship
- PTE 1227 Ministerial Theology
- PTE 1228 Pictorial symbolism (Jesus in every book of Bible)
- PTE 1229 Bible apologetic on person and works of God vol 2
- PTE 1230 Christian Theology
- PTE 1231 Ecclesiological arts
- PTE 1232 Bible History vol I
- PTE 1233 Bible History vol II
- PTE 1234 Bible History vol III
- PTE 1235 Bible History vol IV
- PTE 1236 Bible History vol V
- PTE 1237 Systematic Theology
- PTE 1238 Pastorology
- PTE 1239 Fundamental Christian Catechism
- PTE 1240 Redemptive typology
- PTE 1241 Bible Typology
- PTE 1242 O.T. Survey I
- PTE 1243 O.T. Survey II
- PTE 1244 O.T. Survey III
- PTE 1245 Historical Theology
- PTE 1246 Zoology
- PTE 1247 Flock domestication
- PTE 1248 Husbandry
- PTE 1249 Protestant Theology
- PTE 1250 Reaching the muslim
- PTE 1251 Ecclesiastical creed I
- PTE 1252 Ecclesiastical creed II
- PTE 1253 Bible Treasure
- PTE 1254 N.T. Creed
- PTE 1255 Scriptural Bibliograph
- PTE 1256 Doctrine of final Atonement
- PTE 1257 History of Christian Revival
- PTE 1258 Bible Science
- PTE 1259 Intro to Bible Quest
- PTE 1260 History of Gospel Evangelism
- PTE 1263 History of Global outreach of Evangelism
- PTE 1264 History of church reformation
- PTE 1265 Equipping the saints
- PTE 1266 Maintenance of Sunday School
- PTE 1267 History of the Testaments
- PTE 1268 Insight to Christian doctrines
- PTE 1269 Benevolent ministry
- PTE 1270 Ministry to physically challenged children
- PTE 1271 History of human deprivation
- PTE 1272 Principles of building the broken walls
- PTE 1273 Catholic theology
- PTE 1274 African Theology
- PTE 1275 Pentecostal Theology
- PTE 1276 Speech making Ethics
- PTE 1277 Tribal powers encounter
- PTE 1278 African Traditional Theology (A.T.T.)
- PTE 1279 Social Anthropology
- PTE 1280 Cultural Anthropology
- PTE 1281 Ecclesiastical Anthropology
- PTE 1282 Ministry Anthropology
- PTE 1283 Local cults in Nigeria
- PTE 1284 Religions Anthropology
- PTE 1285 Bible Anthropology
- SCOCH VOL I, SCIC 001 Jesus in the book of Mathew
- SCOCH VOL 2, SCIC 002 Jesus in the book of Mark
- SCOCH VOL 3, SCIC 003 Jesus in the book of Luke
- SCOCH VOL 4, SCIC 004 Jesus in the book of John
- SCOCH VOL 5, SCIC 005 Jesus the son of God
- SCOCH VOL 7, SCIC 007 Jesus, the greatest conqueror
- SCOCH VOL 8, SCIC 008 Attributes of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 9, SCIC 009 The sufferings of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 10, SCIC 010 The Biography of Jesus
- SCOCH VOL 11, SCIC 011 The teachings of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 12, SCIC 012 The life of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 13, SCIC 013 The preachings of Jesus
- SCOCH VOL 14, SCIC 014 Ministries of Jesus
- SCOCH VOL 15, SCIC 015 The theology of Jesus ministries
- SCOCH VOL 16, SCIC 016 Doctrines of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 17, SCIC 017 Emphasis of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 18, SCIC 018 Stories about Jesus
- SCOCH VOL 19, SCIC 019 Writings about Christ (JESUS)
- SCOCH VOL 20, SCIC 020 Prophecies about Christ
- SCOCH VOL 21, SCIC 021 Jesus last words on the cross
- SCOCH VOL 22, SCIC 022 The second coming of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 23, SCIC 023 The new earth of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 24, SCIC 024 N.T. Christology
- SCOCH VOL 25, SCIC 025
- SCOCH VOL 26, SCIC 026 Pentecostology
- SCOCH VOL 27, SCIC 027 Redemptive Theology
- SCOCH VOL 28, SCIC 028 Bible Christology
- SCOCH VOL 29, SCIC 029 Messianic ministry
- SCOCH VOL 30, SCIC 030 Messianic Revelation
- SCOCH VOL 31, SCIC 031 Attributes and characters of Jesus
- SCOCH VOL 32, SCIC 032 Fullness of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 33, SCIC 033 Testimonies of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 34, SCIC 034 Scriptural claims of Jesus
- SCOCH VOL 35, SCIC 035 New Beginning in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 36, SCIC 036 Righteousness in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 37, SCIC 037 Authority of Believers in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 38, SCIC 038 New creation in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 39, SCIC 039 Life in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 40, SCIC 040 Led by Spirit of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 41, SCIC 041 Growing in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 42, SCIC 042 Renewing the mind
- SCOCH VOL 43, SCIC 043 Spirit of faith in Christ
- SCOCH VOL 44, SCIC 044 Living for Christ
- SCOCH VOL 45, SCIC 045 Following Christ
- SCOCH VOL 46, SCIC 046 Fellowship with Christ
- SCOCH VOL 47, SCIC 047 Carry the cross of Christ
- SCOCH VOL 48, SCIC 048 Obedience to Christ
- SCOCH VOL 49, SCIC 049 Crucifixiology
- SCOCH VOL 50, SCIC 050 Deepening life
- SCOCH VOL 51, SCIC 051 Revelation on Christian God
- SCOCH VOL 52, SCIC 052 Doctrine of Divine Covenant
- SNCR 1001 History of Hinduism
- SNCR 1002 Philosophy of the Hindus
- SNCR 1003 Buddhism
- SNCR 1004 Taoism
- SNCR 1005 Confucianism
- SNCR 1006 Shinto
- SNCR 1007 Judaism
- SNCR 1008 Zoroastrianism
- SNCR 1009 Sikhism
- SNCR 1010 Bahaism
- SNCR 1011 Animism
- SNCR 1012 Africanism
- SNCR 1013 Satanism
- SNCR 1014 Eckankar
- SNCR 1015 Hare Karishna
- SNCR 1016 History and origin of Buddhism
- SNCR 1017 Paganism
- SNCR 1018 History of Islam - Islam vol I
- SNCR 1019 Issues of O.I.C in Islam – Islam vol II
- SNCR 1020 Sharia laws in Islam – Islam vol III
- SNCR 1021 Islamic Jurisprudence - Islam vol IV
- SNCR 1022 History of Muhammad – Islam vol V
- SNCR 1023 History of Sharia law – Islam vol VI
- SNCR 1024 Notes on Islamic studies – Islam vol VII
- SNCR 1025 The sweet story of Islam – Islam vol VIII
- SNCR 1026 The holy war in Islam – Islam IX
- SNCR 1027 Between Christ and Muhammad – Islam vol X
- SNCR 1028 Christians and Muslims – Islam vol XI
- SNCR 1029 Allah is the creator – Islam vol XII
- SNCR 1030 Life of Muhammad – Islam vol XIII
- SNCR 1031 Teachings of Islam – Islam vol XIV
- SNCR 1032 Islamic concept of Jihad – Islam XV
- SNCR 1033 Islamic world view – Islam XVI
- SNCR 1034 Islamic religion and secular state – Islam XVII
- SNCR 1035 The prophet hood of Muhammad – Islam XVIII
- SNCR 1036 Islamic Quran and the Christian Bible – Islam XIX
- SNCR 1037 Islamic repudiations and refutations – Islam XX
- SNCR 1038 History of Edenic religion
- SNCR 1039 The Atheism
- SNCR 1040 Evolution and creation theory
- SNCR 1041 West African’s Ideology
- SNCR 1042 Rosicrucians
- SNCR 1043 Native powers encounter
- SNCR 1044 Comparative Religion
- GS 301 Elementary Hebrew I
- GS 302 Intro to Hebrew Exegesis
- GS 303 Psychology of the Pentateuch
- GS 304 Intro to Pentateuch
- GS 305 The writings of Moses
- GS 306 Early prophets in Israel
- GS 307 Later prophets in Israel
- GS 308 Intro to O.T. studies
- GS 309 Psychology of O.T. studies
- GS 310 The poetry books
- GS 311 Exegesis of Hebrew poetry
- GS 312 Post exile History of Israel
- GS 313 Pre-exile history of Israel
- GS 314 N.T. Greek exegesis I
- GS 315 N.T. Greek exegesis II
- GS 316 Exegesis of the synoptic gospel
- GS 317 Acts of the apostles
- GS 318 Exegesis of the works of the apostles
- GS 319 Psychology of the epistles
- GS 320 Pauline Epistles
- GS 321 The book of Hebrews
- GS 322 General Epistles
- GS 323 Johannine corpus
- GS 324 Philosophy of N.T. studies
- GS 325 Philosophy of church History
- GS 326 Philosophy of Christian worship
- GS 327 Exegesis of the book of Genesis
- GS 328 Philosophy of women ministry
- GS 329 History of Christianity
- GS 330 African church history
- GS 331 Philosophy of church planting
- GS 332 Intro to Christian mission
- GS 333 Intro to Christian evangelism
- GS 334 Intro to Christian Theology
- GS 335 Theology of man, Christ Theology
- GS 336 Theology of sin and salvation
- GS 337 Philosophy of church management
- GS 338 Philosophy of church growth
- GS 339 Philosophy of Christian stewardship
- GS 340 Ecclesiology
- GS 341 Eschatology
- GS 342 Christian Ethics
- GS 343 Apologetics
- GS 345 Educational church ministry
- GS 346 Philosophy of Christian mission
- GS 347 Philosophy of Christian education
- GS 348 Psychology of Sunday school management
- GS 349 Sunday school management in the church
- GS 350 Intro to pastoral counseling
- GS 351 Philosophy of Biblical preaching
- GS 352 Methodology of Biblical preaching
- GS 353 Methodology of public preaching
- GS 354 Psychology of effective communication
- GS 355 Psychology speech presentation
- GS 356 Middler Homiletics
- GS 357 Pastoral internship
- GS 358 Shepherding psychology
- GS 359 Building psychology
- GS 360 Ministry Anthropology
- GS 361 Ecclesiastical Anthropology
- GS 362 Soul winning strategies
- GS 363 Soul winning philosophy
- GS 364 Soul winning psychology
- GS 365 Church administration
- GS 366 Psychology of Denominationalism
- GS 367 Psychology of pulpit fishery
- GS 368 The church Hymonology
- GS 369 The church musicology
- GS 370 Church psychology
- GS 371 Theocracy
- GS 372 Field Christian Education
- GS 373 History of Christian ministry
- GS 374 History of church mission
- GS 375 History of Christian revival
- GS 376 Biography of Bible translation
- GS 377 Bible Bibliology
- GS 378 Christian graphology