Rev. Prof Emma Ononuju is widely and internationally known and called Jesus Bulldozer because of his healing ministries, deliverance ministries, preaching ministries, teaching and prophetic ministries and more importantly his great salvational ministries. He is generally known and also addressed as Holiness advocate of the church (HAC) among his students. He was university lecturer in the department of history and a great Theologian in this dispensation. He is the founder of many theological Institutions. He is addressed and called in all secular Institutions as “THE AUTHORITY” But generally called and addressed by the believers in Christ and in church community as “JESUS BULLDOZER” because of the unceasing anointing, frequent flowing of unction that steadily follows and flows with signs and wonders, miracles and great wondrous events. The Lord has used him to perform different wonders and miracles including those ones that appear harder. God has used Rev. Prof Emma Ononuju “THE JESUS BUILLDOZER” to perform different miracles and to exhibit the highest level of charisma. Below are some of the outstanding miracles, signs and wonders which the Lord has used him to perform, thus, the church community re-named him JESUS BULLDOZER. He is one of the most powerful deliverance ministers in West Africa today.
- Salvation of the chronic sinners even armed robbers.
- Salvation of the hardened sinners even occult people.
- Salvation of the rebellious sinners even the juju priests.
- Salvation of the double faced people even demon incarnates.
- Raising the dead from the coffin, before eyes of all.
- Raising the dead brought to his church by their family members.
- Healing people with H.I.V aids to full and good health conditions.
- Healing people with high sugar level to normal good health.
- Delivering the occult men and women who were formally antichrist.
- Delivering the occult leaders even those living in sea.
- Delivering the Satan agents even those who claimed to be living in sky.
- Delivering and liberating some demon bond families.
- Delivering and liberating some demon chained individuals.
- Loosing the demon oppressed people and families.
- Loosing some villages and communities from demonic slavery.
- Loosing some clans and lands from demonic bondages.
- Restoration of demon destroyed homes and families.
- Healing some demon destroyed homes and families.
- Setting demons scattered marriage and houses free.
- Reconciling the divorced homes and couples.
- Healing the mad people and those with psychiatric cases.
- Healing those affected by the demonic attacks.
- Restoration of demon broken businesses and lives to good standards.
- Restoration of those whose lives and families are destroyed by the enemies.
- Breaking the influence of demons in families and in people’s business.
- Breaking the presences of demons in families, in individuals and in villages.
- Breaking curses and evil covenants in the lands, villages, families and in individuals.
- Breaking the powers of bareness and unfruitfulness.
- Binding the demons of infertility and bareness.
- Setting the captives free and loosing the oppressed.
- Making barren women become the mothers of many children.
- Loosing ladies from long spinsters and beauty disqualification.
- Breaking the powers that hinder marriages.
- Breaking evil covenants that hinder ladies marriage.
- Making deaf to hear, dumb to speak.
- Making lame to walk, while cripple walk/run.
- Making blind people to see and confused people to be normal.
- Breaking the powers of poverty and hardship among the victims.
- Loosing those afflicted by demons with the yokes of poverty and hardships.
- Breaking evil covenants in families and villages.
- Breaking curses in families and in villages.
- Breaking demonic bondages and yokes upon men.
- Bringing people to the position and condition where God wants them to be.
- Making man to become whom God originally created him to become.
- Bulldozing all strange powers, strange organs, strange influences and all strange experiences in the communities, villages and among men.
- Destroying all hindrances and demonic obstacles in the business, visions, ministries, missions and in the plans of good individuals in our society.
It is based on the above ministerial gifts, charisma, unction, liberation, break-through, coupled with different signs and wonders in Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju’s ministries that the church community called him JESUS BULLDOZER. He is not the doer of such miracles but God is. He is only an instrument in the hand of God while God is the performer of the miracles.
- Total Deliverance
- Total salvation
- Total restoration
- Total Liberation
- Total Freedom
- Total Sanctification
- Total destruction of curses and covenant
The miracles are done by Jesus Christ not by Rev. Prof Emma Ononuju, who is an ordinary vessel in Gods hand, thus, he is called JESUS BULLDOZER (a vessel of work)
Based on these significant miracles by God through Rev. Prof Emma Ononuju, the following books have been written by Rev. Prof Emma Ononuju which are fully and purely written on deliverance, healing, curses, covenants and on land liberation see them below:
- Deliverance and its techniques.
- Curses what men inherited from their lands.
- Interpretation of Dreams.
- Exposition of Dreams.
- The root and foundation of family curses.
- Struggle Vol I, from Demonism to Divinity.
- Curses the inherited debts from father & their lands.
- Curses, covenants, consequences and cure.
- The demons that disturb our land.
- The powers that harvest our crops.
- Loose him and let him go.
- The powers in your father’s house.
- Wonders shall never end.
- The great controversy.
- The anointing that breaks the yoke.
- Principle of total freedom.
- Pulpit charisma.
- The powers that frustrate our efforts.
- Why Christians suffer?
- Unction for today’s ministry.
The above listed tittles are basically for total freedom of the church community with great emphasis on healing, deliverance, liberation, salvation, restoration, break-through, breaking of curses and covenants and miracles in our church communities today. About sixty eight books are credited to Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju, but the above twenty books are fully designated to miracles, healing, deliverance, breaking of curses and covenants, salvation from sins and freedom from the demonic chains or slavery which are basically the features and functions of the ministries of Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju, that is why they call him JESUS BULLDOZER which has taken charge of his field ministration. Rev. Prof Emma Ononuju is a field minister, deliverance minister, conference speaker, pastor and the great teacher of the word of God.
Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju (JESUS BULLDOZER) is among the greatest ministers of deliverance in West Africa and can be seen as one of the most powerful gospel ministers whose ministries are flowing and following with signs and wonders and still humble and very quiet without making a noise. Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju is an academic Guru, a preacher with four Doctorate degrees, Doctor of Religious education DRE 1992, Doctor of Cultural Anthropology DCA 1996, Doctor of History PhD, 2000, Doctor of Divinity D.D. 2006, but in all these, he is not proud, but always meek and deeply humbles. It was based on his academic achievements and great teaching ethics that university students re-named him – “AUTHORITY”.
Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju is noted for family healing, family deliverance, land healing, land deliverance, breaking of curses, breaking of covenants, land liberation, land purification, family reconciliation, individual deliverance, soul restoration, counseling of people and making men and women whom God originally created them to become on earth.
The ministries of Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju, (Jesus Bulldozer) are open for all people of different backgrounds, different faith, different races, different cultures and different nationalities. Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju is from Africa but his ministries take him always to Europe, America and to other parts of the World. Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju (Jesus Bulldozer) irrespective of his height in the ministry and his academic achievements is a holy man, a gentle man, very meek and easy to approach.
Bulldozer is a big tractor for the clearing of land and for the removal of obstructions on the road or on the way while to bulldoze means to remove, to push out all the unwanted issues on the way. Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju (Jesus Bulldozer) is generally called by the church as JESUS BULLDOZER because God uses him to clear, remove and to push out evil powers, demonic obstructions, demonic afflictions through man and in man also, which obstructs man from becoming whom God has created him originally to become. These are the reasons Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju is called JESUS BULLDOZER because he is a great instrument of God to clear, remove, deliver and to destroy demonic obstructions in man’s life.
Jesus Bulldozer (Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju has fully devoted every Tuesday 8am-4pm, and every Thursday 8am-4pm to treat, pray, counsel, instruct, deliver and meet the spiritual needs of people including the sick, the long spinsters, the barren, the afflicted, demon possessed, oppressed, depressed, the cursed the covenanted, the misfortune, the poor, the manipulated, the childless, the infertile, the fearful, the occult, the bond, the losser, the cheated, the lonely, the weeper, the tearful, the confused, the cheated, the deceived, sinners, the lost, the backslider, the demoniac and all in one pain or the other including gospel ministers. The deliverance and healing ministries of JESUS BULDOZER is full of miracles, signs and wonders, blessings and testimonies from all the participants. It is the total bus stop for all pains and afflictions that people suffer today. The testimonies seen in Rev. Prof. Emma Ononuju’s websites are true.
The deliverance and healing ministries of the Jesus Bulldozer showcase numerous and men women who were oppressed, tormented and caged by the demons who were later be loosed, delivered and healed through the powerful deliverance and healing ministries and life in the word of God. We are called to preach, teach and to perform miracles Mk.16:15-18, Lk.9:1-6, Lk.10:1-10; the deliverance and healing ministries of Jesus bulldozer is to:
- Turning people’s groaning to people’s grace and greatness.
- Bringing people’s daily tears, to their constant and daily cheers.
- Changing people’s sorrows to their miracles.
- Making people’s prayer to be answered by God.
- Leading the people to Jesus the savior and our Lord.
- Bringing people’s visions to godly manifestations.
- Healing the broken hearted and broken homes.
- Bringing people’s dreams to closer actualization.
- Healing victims businesses and sources of income to fruitfulness.
- Making the victims problems known to God and b solved by God.
- Healing the bodies, homes, businesses and environment of the penitent.
- Setting the captive free and free indeed Jn.8:32,36.
- Knowing Jesus and to make Him known everyday.
Jesus Bulldozer is fully anointed by God possessed by the Holy Ghost, filled with the spiritual power of God and equipped to represent Jesus in his earthly ministries to break the yokes of Satan and the power of the demons against men and against the church of God. Jesus Bulldozer is called by God for the under listed duties:
- To break the powers of long spinsterhood through the word of God.
- To break the powers of bareness and unfruitfulness through faith in Christ.
- To break the powers of childlessness and miscarriages through prayer of faith.
- To break the powers of frequent family deaths through God’s word.
- To break the powers of untimely death by faith in the blood of Jesus.
- To break the powers of accidents and evil attacks through faith in God.
- To break the powers of poverty and hardship through prayers in Jesus name.
- To break the powers of confusion and frustration through preaching.
- To break the powers of demonic afflictions and attacks by prayers.
- To break the powers of frequent disappointment and failure.
- To break the powers of sin and hardened heart through the gospel of life.
- To break the powers of rebellion and disobedience through life giving truth.
- To break the powers of curses and covenants by faith in the atoning death.
- To break the powers of losses and stagnant businesses through faith and faithfulness.
- To break and cage power from your father’s house by God’s authority.
- To break the powers of demonic affliction and oppressions by the power of Holyghost.
- To break the powers of marine spirits and other gods through God’s authority.
- To cast out the family demons and powers of quarrellings through open Bible.
- To cast out demons of divorcement and family disunity through open Bible.
- To cast out demons of adultery and family set back through prayers.
- To destroy all ancient gods and powers that rule through Bible authority.
- To liberate families and individuals under Satanic bondages by prayers.
- To heal the sick and all afflicted by Satan by faith in Christ.
- To liberate families, lands and villages under satanic yokes or bondages.
- To preach the gospel and to teach the word.
- To convert souls for the kingdom.
- To build the church of God.
- To save sinners through God’s word.
It is a custom, culture and the tradition of the Jesus Bulldozer and every genuine prophet of God to preach, to teach, to heal, to deliver the oppressed, to liberate the land, to counsel and to direct both spiritual and physical affairs of men and women. The entire world is in danger, experiencing the events of last days and the last battles of Satan and his demons agents coupled with the physical attacks of demonic agents closer to men, thus, the people today are faced with fears, troubles, pains, affliction, sicknesses, hardships, poverty, lack, losses, failures, disappointments, confusions, sleeplessness, restlessness, worries, uneasiness, anxiety, death, demonic possessions and demonic oppression and tyrannous activities today. The only solution to these problems is God through Jesus our advocate and our mediator, based on this truth, the Jesus Bulldozer is making widest invitation to those at the East, those at the West, those at the North, those at the South and all those at the centre for deep prayers of deliverance, deep prayers of healing, salvation, deep prayers restoration, deep prayers of liberation, prayers of increase, break-through, promotion miracles and deep prayers of heart satisfaction. Jesus made the call to all – “come now Isa.1:18-20, Mtt.11:28-29, while Jesus Bulldozer standing on the invitations of Jesus and by the instructions of Jesus calling all with heavy load to come for divine and perfect rest. Jesus Bulldozer can be contacted through the phone numbers attached to this websites and through the physical address attached to this website. Invitation is for the sinners, weak, sick, afflicted, the barren, the confused, the poor, the spinster, the childless, the attacked, the oppressed, the afflicted, the disturbed, the worried, the looser, the sorrowful, the confused and all in one problem or the other who may need God’s intervention or God’s help in such ugly conditions.
It is a call for total salvation from sin – Mtt.1:21.
Those desiring to be healed, delivered, restored, be saved, loosed, freed, blessed or be miraculous in all their activities through Jesus Christ, the son of God, the healer and the miracle worker should contact the Jesus Bulldozer through the under listed means of contact as stated below.
- PHONE CALLS - +2348139088958, +2348107843029
- PHYSICAL LOCATION 4 Eltheco Lane, Asa Nnentu, off Flyover Bus stop, thru JFC Filling Station, Port Harcourt Rd Aba. Abia State Nigeria.
(a) Tuesday 8am – 4pm: Counseling
(b) Thursday 8am – 4pm: Deliverance Prayers
- WHOM TO MEET - Jesus Bulldozer of West Africa.
- IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Those coming from far distance or those who because of one reason or the other desire to come on other days beside Tuesday and Thursdays, should make early calls and book solid appointment with him.
_________________________GOD BLESS YOU__________________________