» Eluniversity of Theology
Teachers guide are the principles, ethics and ethos of teaching practice, coupled with all craft and insight of successful teaching in the holiness Bible Colleges like ours.
This volume opens with what our lecturers should be, what they should do and how they should do that. This chapter of the book is compulsory to every teacher to read. This volume features different issues that can help the gospel teachers which include the following under listed ones:
I. A brief story to teachers
II. The teacher in Theological College
III. Teacher’s relationship with the students
IV. Teacher’s relationship with the College
V. Methods of Teaching
VI. Rules and regulations
VII. Examples to believers
VIII. Teacher’s spiritual life and general conduct.
The above issues will help lecturers in the Theological Institution to be epitome of the gospel they are representing and be the type of gospel ministers God wants them to be.
El Theological College is an inter denominational Theological college, fully organized for the training of pastors, evangelists, missionaries, prophets, teachers, deacons and other church workers for the growth of the Christians and conversion of souls. It is the direct and personal vision of Emmanuel Ononuju, the Director and founder of both El Emancipation Ministry and El Theological College. Emmanuel Ononuju singlehandedly founded a ministry in 1982 with the name Redemption campaigner’s ministry at Port Harcourt Rivers State. He later founded El Emancipation Ministry at Aba, Abia State in 1994. The ministry is an outreach ministry commissioned to preach in existing churches, planting of churches, crusades preaching, breaking of covenant and general deliverance. Through this ministry God has greatly used Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Ononuju and his wife in Nigeria. The vision of the Bible College was born in 1985, but waiting upon God’s time, it appeared the vision was weakened, but by the frequent demands of many Christians from different churches in Aba and beyond who wanted Ononuju to start a Bible College, the vision was revived, when Rev. Ononuju asked some of the people who demanded that he should open a Theological College, what was their reason, their answers have always been the same, which they said “we want a holy man whom we trust and whom we know all about his faith, life and spiritual stand like you”. This expression so encouraged Ononuju too much that in 1996, he started his first attempt to connect some people for prayers while the El Emancipation Ministry was going on at 136 Cameroon Rd., Aba, for the prayers, crusades and deliverance of the afflicted. By this time also the Ministry was single handedly carried by Rev. Prof. E. Ononuju and his wife. El Emancipation is not a church, but a ministry to reach the unreached. El Theological College therefore is the institution and the educational arm of the El Emancipation Ministry. The conclusive vision of starting the Bible College fully came in January 1996, but praying for the place to start, the Lord provided the place in the year 2001, complete 60 months after agreeing with God.
Our College is God sent and the purpose of the college shall be achieved. We have aim, vision and strong plan to obey and please the Lord. El Theological College was officially opened on 9th April 2001, at 3 Umuagbai Rd Aba without a student, without a worker and without a helper. Today, El Theological College is a standing Bible College with many students and many lecturers. The site and course offered in El Theological College without doubt are other causes of attraction. The Bible College (Eltheco) has something in mind as God gave him the vision to start a Bible College. The purpose of establishing this college will not fail but must be achieved. El Theological College is not owned by any particular denomination nor was it established by any group of people but God and his servant, Rev. Prof. Ononuju alone.
Our Bible College is existing to fulfill the call of God and to obey the voice of God in this last generation. There are many things we see as task which we shall not fail to achieve hence they constitute the primary purpose of our existence in this world.
These things are both the purpose of our existence and our target as a Bible College. Among the targets of our school are the following.
1. To bring back the dignity and influence of the church that are marred by the,
Hirelings, through training and equipping the ministers.
2. To make the ministers (students) discover and recover what God has bestowed in them and help them develop it.
3. To equip and build the ministers (students) spiritually, theologically and
Academically in order to face the challenges ahead.
4. To develop the students (ministers) potentials and to help them to use them for the benefits of others.
5. To motivate evangelism, church planting and church growth by creating their awareness and emphasizing their importance.
6. To equip evangelists, missionaries and Christian workers to reach the unreached and church the unchurched.
7. To produce spiritual, fervent and wise ministers who will kindle fire of revival in their churches and in the Christian community at large.
8. To spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by teaching needed courses to the students and by involving ourselves practically in the field of evangelism and soul winning.
9. Making Christians, churches and ministers to understand, capture and purse their inheritance in Jesus Christ.
10. To restore the influence of the gospel in our society through positive preaching, positive living and positive confession.
El Theological College among other things pleads for prayers, supports and advice of all, and needs men and women who will help the poor and helpless students to meet up with the needs of their studies in this college.
It may seem doubtful to discover that all teachers are not the same “Yes” all teachers may handle chalks or pen still with different aims, different motives and different visions. There are teachers in the occultic homes teaching men and women how to worship Satan, there are teachers in the Nursery Schools teaching and infants how to read
write A.B.C or 123, there are teachers in the Secondary Schools aiming at developing the students skills, still there are teachers in the Universities sharpening the students characters and leading the students to specialize disciplines, there are also teachers in the church Leading the men and women to be heavenly candidates and making the Christians to capture the plan of God in their lives, above all, there are teachers in the theological
colleges who direct, develop, teach, build, equip and impart visions to those who will teach in the churches. To this end therefore, it is now plain that theological lecturers are not only character molders, life builders, motivators but also vision creators and prosperity makers. Based on the above truth, it appears and of course true that theological lectures are important people in the society whom the world are expecting their services not only in the theological schools but also in the churches and in the society at large. With this therefore, the question may come, who is a teacher in the theological college? Unless this question is answered, theological college teachers will never know what God, the church, the college, the students and the society expect from them daily.
The is the beginning of the identity of the teacher in the Bible College. It must be certainly known that the lecturers in the Bible College are fathers to the pastors who teach and preach in the local churches. Unless the teacher understands what God, the church, the students and the world at large expect from him, he will never work hard in order to satisfy his Lord in whose vineyard he is working. The issue of who is a teacher in the Bible College will give us the true picture of whom God says he is.
1. FAITH BUILDER: The teacher in the Bible School is faith builder, he makes the students have faith in God and to be faithful. His greatest text book is the Bible, the very book of faith. If the teacher has taught everything to the students but never teach faith and faithfulness, his teaching will not survive and may fade away in the shortest possible period, for without faith, it is impossible to please God, He must therefore build faith in the lives, tongues, hearts and in all the activities of the students.
2. INDOCTRINATION: Jesus’ death and resurrection is our massage and the purpose of our studies is to be very useful in God’s vine yard. The teacher in the Bible College should not forget that a Bible College is a place of making the sinners to be saints, the discouraged to be courageous, the weak to be strong, the confused to be directed, the lost to be found and the helpless to be helped. There is no way to render any of these helps unless the victim is first directed to the scriptures and be indoctrinated according to the Christian faith. If we have taught all things we feel and missed the students soul, all our teachings are in vain, therefore every teacher should aim at indoctrinating the students.
3. CHARACTER MOLDER: One of the greatest influences of studies is molding of the students character. Molding of character is changing the bad habits of the student with good which shall affect the churches where the students are pastors, bishops, teachers, evangelists and leaders and think of men and women in those churches and know how to help the students to effect positive changes in such churches. The teachers should aim at building, molding, and changing weakness to strength, and equipping the students to be more useful in their churches and the society at large. These types of work are only possible when the lectures know them, speak of them and put them into action daily as they teach the students.
4. SEEKER OF THE LOST: The teachers in the Bible Colleges are Senior Ministers and should not forget that they are preachers of the word who seek for the soul salvation of the lost therefore, they should not use the words that sound like wars, neither use the words that can discourage the students but must be mindful of their soul salvations and the salvation of the churches under their care . Our students are pastors, evangelists and church leaders, equal respect should also be given to them as gospel ministers. Lecturers in our bible college must therefore see the classes as the church extension which the Lord has committed to their charge and should employ pastoral spirit care for each student in the class. The souls of each students is greater than any physical cash which the lecturer may desire to gain. There is reward for each good service rendered by the Lecturer from God. It is only God that pays the lecturers and not man.
5. PREACHERS AND TEACHERS OF THE TRUTH: Bible College teachers should not forget that “they are preachers to the preachers”. They teach and preach to the students who are preachers to their churches. As preachers and teachers, our text book, devotional book and reference book is the BIBLE. We shall teach the truth, live in truth, express the truth, posses the truth and be epitome of the truth. As Bible College teachers we should not see our teaching as a secular business but as a sacred business and should teach with love and fear of God. We shall make the students to know that the gospel we are teaching is real, let us not destroy the gospel with negative words and reactions.
6. BIBLE EXPOSITOR: The College is called Bible College and there is no course in that College if the Bible is neglected or rejected. The lecturer in the Bible College must see him or herself as an expositor of the Bible. He is in the class to explain to the students what the Bible says about life, love, heaven, hell, blessing, miracle, healing, deliverance, prosperities, Salvation, rapture and all the truth of life. He should not live contrary to what he is preaching and teaching. All that the Bible College teacher is teaching, whether in world religion, communism, false teachings or psychology, his personal foundation and conviction must be the Bible which will not be only his reference book but also his authoritative and inspired word of God.
7. VISION PLANTER: Teachers in the Bible College are vision planters. Many students come to Bible College without plans, without visions or aims but only have a true knowledge that God has called them. It will be a mockery, Ironical and of course very shameful for an empty student to pass through some trained lecturers in the Bible College for the period of two or four years and still remain empty and graduated as an empty, aimless, visionless, planless and unctionless student. The supreme purpose of teaching is to pass vision and life giving thoughts to the students.
8. EXAMPLE SETTER: It is more dangerous for us to tell people to reach where we have not reached as it is impossible for man to give what he does not have. What we are giving is the word of life and the students expect greater life, greater example, practical living, practical love, position of confession, holy living, truth and greater spiritual life from the lecturers. The eyes of the students are on the lecturers. A teacher must be an example of believers, the literal letter from God, epitome of the gospel and the example of what he or she wants the students to be. He should not be theoretical teacher but a practical teacher who does what he teaches and preaches. He or she must live by example and make others to follow his or her. People must first see what the teacher is teaching in him before they follow him, therefore, be example setter.
9 AMBASSADOR: Above all other things, the teacher in the Bible College is Jesus ambassador. He is representing Jesus not only in teaching but also in comforting the broken hearted, healing the sick, building the mind and preaching the gospel. He is a direct representative, servant, ambassador and a missionary sent by Jesus to teach the truth, convert souls, build the saints, prepare the workers and to train the ministers. He must do the work of teaching as “unto the Lord” and not as unto men lest he becomes ignorant of devil’s plan.
It is natural to know that teachers and students have unquestionable relationship. There will be no teacher without a student and no students (class) without a teacher, both have
Something to do with each other and none of the two can function without the other. The teacher teaches while the students listen. Both have some thing to do with each other, the students can not teach themselves, they need a teacher, and the teacher cannot listen to himself, he needs the students. There are relationships with the students of this college.
1. LOVE: The teachers should love their students, see them as flock and sheep of the Lord in their cares and direct them as children committed to their cares by the Lord. As children, they may offend the lecturers, but forgiveness is a product of true love, therefore, loves them, hence there is no other way to impart the truth and life in them without love.
2. CARING: The students came to this College in order to know more, be directed, helped, equipped and trained. They don’t know it, that’s why they come to be taught in order to know it, therefore they need your fatherly caring, advice, prayers and directives. Their souls are still important to God. Don’t offend them but still care for their precious souls and their future.
3. RAPPORT: Have close relationship with the students, be their father, mother, elder brother, elder sister, pastor and their mentor. Establish rapport with the students; let the students see you as a good person who has come to help them. Don’t be punitive, don’t be hostile, and don’t express your grievance before them, but in all let this mind in Christ also be in you Phil.2:5
4. TEACHING: You are nothing to the students but their teacher, therefore make sure you are teaching and that teaching must gain impact in their lives. Hence what we are teaching is the word of God, every lecturer must study his Bible, course materials or handouts at home with prayers and prepare very well in order to teach powerfully, comprehensively and greatly. Each time a lecturer arrives the class, the students expect nothing from him but teaching, therefore, teach properly and wisely so that the students may need you and your teaching again.
5. FRIENDSHIP: your students are not your enemies, no matter their weakness. They are your friends, therefore befriend them and not cast them away neither make them to be afraid of you. It is even best for lecturer to start his lecture in the class with prayers and praises couple with lovely and friendly greetings according to our culture.
6. SELF DISCIPLINE: In the midst of love, rapport and friendship, every lecturer must be very careful, disciplined, respectful and holy. He should not do that which is suspicious, or appears beggarly, poorly and conditions that can attract sympathy of the students which may Mary his or her own prestige. Every lecturer must be careful and mindful of opposite sex and avoid issues necessary to destroy his or her reputation.
7. PRAYERS: As Pastors pray for the members privately, so the lecturers in this Bible College should be praying for their students privately and openly either before the lecture starts or after each lecture, “Remember” this is called a Bible College where the Bible words, life and doctrines are studied and implemented. Lecturers should have it as habit to be praying for their students and by so doing establish godly link with them.
8. COLLEGE AMBASSADOR: Every lecture in this college is fully representing the president and this college before the class, before the students and in the society. This college will not be projected poorly, negatively, or wrongly by any lecturer neither should the president be projected other wise by any lecturer, any lecturer found in such manner will be terminated. Lecturers, as good ambassadors of the president and this college will pray and work hard with the president to build this Bible College.
9. HELPING: The lecturers are helpers to the students and not the destroyers of their zeal and ambitions. The lecturers will help the students to develop their visions, discover their potentials, execute their plans and be more useful in God’s vineyard. Lecturers should not do some things that will make the students leave the college, backslide or quit the ministry, any lecturer found in such act will be quickly terminated. Any case of the students that can not be handled by the lecturer should be referred to the president immediately.
10. A SERVANT. The teacher has done nothing if he has not discovered him or herself as a servant to both the students, the College and the Lord. It is based on this conviction that he or she must seek to identity himself with the course (message) at his hand.11. MENTORING. Teacher is mentoring, your duties are to teach, care and bring your student to the level God wants him to be. The students are your duties who needed help from you; they are your disciples, who need directions from you, they are your children who caring from you, they are your people who need training from you. Don’t fail them, but help them. Lecture must not leave any class without positive announcement to the class which must include “ MAKE SURE YOU BRING ANOTHER STUDENT NEXT WEEK”.
As it is today and as all of you and the outsiders can bear witnesses that our Bible College is presently the best, the most academic, the most spiritual and the most charismatic Bible College in the State. Our Bible College presently stands as the most needed Bible College desiring to join us. You are all witnesses to our last graduation that a big field like other institutions are today that of Umuagbai was occupied with thousands of people for our graduation and matriculation, which many Bible College presidents attended and the
news was all over our radios and televisions even news papers carried the program. You can also bear witness that our college is growing and is known in the State. Based on the above truth which every lecturer can express privately and openly, the lecturer’s relationship with the Bible College will be clearly stated below. These under listed conditions, otherwise called teachers relationship with the College must be followed up, adhered to, worked with, and be walked along.
i. Every lecturer in this Bible College must see him or herself as a servant of
God working in God’s vine yard and must teach with sincerity, diligence
And love.
ii. One of the greatest business of the lecturer is to teach, impart, help and
Build the students of this college; the lecturers should see this college as
their second church, see their teaching as their extended ministry, and love the college.
iii. The lecturers should establish strong rapport with the president, feel free to meet him feel free to air their views, feel free to discuss with him, feel free to suggestt and feel free to do all that the gospel can support in this college.
iv. The lecturers should see teaching in this Bible College as a part of their calling and divine ministry, therefore they should teach as ministers and not as lay workers. They should not behave like the hirelings.
v. The lecturers are co-laborers with the president and founder of this college (Rev.Prof. Emma Ononuju) in building the college, in equipping the saints and in fulfilling divine ministry.
vi. The lecturers should not have the habit of coming late, habit of poor teaching, habit of absence with-out tangible excuses or notified reason.
vii. As those who teach the pastors to be obedient, the lecturers should also be obedient to the president, to the college authority and to the already written conditions of this college.
viii. The lecturers should focus their courses, aiming at communicating alright, aiming at finishing their course before the end of every trimester, as it is very bad and unacademic to introduce a course without doing justice to such course and still set exams to the students, leaving before the time or leaving without finishing our lecturers is prohibited also.
Ix. No lecturer hence forth should come later than he should or later than he is needed in the class, hence this attitude can discourage the students and harm our good jobs that have echoed positively in the State and the society at large.
x. No lecturer is permitted to be out during the chapel service as that is not solely the business of the students especially that of Wednesdays and Fridays.
xi. As a lecturer, you should capture the vision and mission of El Theological College, project and implement them for the growth and progress of this college.
xii. Eltheco is more of a family, therefore students, president and staff should see themselves as people of one family, there should be no tribalism nor nepotism but Jesus alone and his love.
xiii. Every lecturer is a contributor and co-laborer in building God’s business, therefore, we shall see ourselves as God’s people working in God’s vineyard in this Eltheco.
xvi. It is in the hand of the Rector to call for staff meeting, but lecturers have right to inform the president in matters that need urgent attention, so as to call meeting, perhaps to arrest such situation.
xvii. No staff meeting is regarded as official without the president’s approval and no private meeting is allowed in the compound without the president’s knowledge and approval.
Xviii. Every lecturer has right to meet the president on private basis to add, subtract, control, change or to amend issues necessary to disturb the smooth running of the college or that which privately affects the lecturer.
xix. On condition of service every lecturer has right to meet the president, if he or she does not like his or her condition.
xx. Hence our College is yet to get her own library, lecturers have right to make use of the president’s office library.
xxi. s our Bible College is now struggling and planning to open a book there especially the ones recommended as text books. Lecturers buying books in the college bookshop should have some discount in each book they buy.
xxii. s the college is praying and planning to establish computer school and computer service for business, lecturers should direct the students to do all their typing and computer works there and lecturers also should do theirs in the college computer at a low (reduce price), this is their benefit.
xxiii. Lecturers have right to use the college address or post office box number to write their letters.
xxiv. All handouts, teaching material and course outlines for students must be clean, typed with computer and be presented first to the president before and after typing for his approval and supervision. Any handout not approved by the president will not be used in El Theological College.
Xxv. As a conference speaker, the president may not be in the college compound always, but may be needed in other parts of Nigeria or Africa at large, every lecturer therefore is a manager where he occupies and will supervise and protect the college against any leakage .
xxvi. Lecturers are supervisors, they have right to supervise the compound, the classroom and direct any needed jobs to the labour prefect, who will in turn assign that to late comers or offenders.
xxvii. It is now clear that El Theological College (Eltheco) is the most appreciated and the most desired Bible College in this city though, the youngest among all, therefore lecturers are advised to live up to the standards and expectations according to how people outside rate, feel and think of our Bible College.
xxviii. Lecturers should see their jobs beyond classroom teaching but should see themselves as builders, molders, preachers and makers of great men and women, therefore they should apply all necessary wisdom and things that will help to shape the student’s destiny and things that will make the college grow.
xxix. Lecturers contributions, suggestions or advice are very necessary and helpful to build and facilitate the college vision, therefore, don’t withhold things you know that will be of great help to this college.
xxi. Lecturers as fathers and co-labourers in the Lord’s business (in this college) have right to rebuke, correct and settle things that are not moving well among the students, nevertheless, with love and consideration.
xxxi. Class registers must be marked by lecturers anytime in class.
xxxii. Lecturers should be involved in making things work well and go easy during matriculation and graduation, by involving themselves on duties and works that can make the occasion great and sweet.
Xxxii. Victory week is now a yearly program in this college especially every month of graduation, the lecturers should take it as their duties to circulate letters, invite
40 ministers and church workers for the seminar in our forth coming Victory Week. Victory week is a branch of Victory Bible Centre USA. This is an international programmed that everyone needs.
Teachers are makers of great people. Many great theologians, great preachers or great church leaders were taught by teachers like us. It should be a great testimony in heaven in the churches and in our society that such prosperous great men were prepared and taught by us. This is a great honour to a teacher (lecturer) whose students are prospering in the ministry. There are few things a teacher will know and do in order to become teacher to prepare great ministers, great and prosperous ministers. Then this method of powerful teaching should be employed by the lecturer as these are listed below,
(a) Prepare your heart at home by rereading your handouts, text books, the Bible and other necessary reference books, before going to the class.
(b) Pray very well, because what you are teaching is not your word but the word
of God whose Spirit interprets the meaning to the hearers.
(C) Prepare in advance the real points you want to make for the class in a separate Sheet and emphasize on them for the class consumption
(d) Avoid casual approach to the class and stop anything that will make you read
Letter in the class without making points, Remember if the purpose of
Employing you is to read the letter before the class nobody will need you,
Because the students also can read those things, but they need a teacher.
(e) Have the students in mind, think of the students as you plan to come, think of
Things necessary to help them in the very course you are handling.
(f) Try as much as you can, to understand the aim and the major emphasis of the
Course you are now teaching and the real thing the college wants to achieve in
The students life through that course and try to implement and achieve it.
(This is real teaching)
(g) As a pastor/Teacher, what do you want to achieve in the lives of the students Through that your course, are you trying to indoctrinate them, to motivate them to missions and evangelism or to give them true knowledge of Jesus Ministry? If you have no aim of teaching, you can end up achieving nothing in your teachings. Every teacher must aim at something in his or her teaching, for without aim he has done nothing.
(h) Be friendly with the students, because people listen to their friends more than a hostile and unapproachable teacher.
(i) Remember you are not a tax collector but kings and leaders maker, therefore Don’t be punitive neither forget the type of person you are. Remember whatever lesson or course you taught without students understanding is in vain and proper waste of energy on your part.
(j) Remember if you prepare very well on Sundays because you are going to preach to laymen and women in the church but did not prepare very well to equip the pastors in the school (students in this college) who will also preach to the same people, your wisdom is small.
(K) It is far better to plant in man than to save in the bank, therefore your greatest gain is not how much you got through your handout but how far you have communicated and, planted in the hearts of the students and how greatly your courses have influenced your listeners.
(l) Remember wisdom, knowledge and understanding planted in the students through your courses perhaps last forever and remain in them till they go to grave (till death) but any other material thing gained may vanish at moment, therefore pursue that which will last forever and not that which perishes.
(M) Remember in every teaching, you are dropping your image before the students, they observe you, listen to you, hear you, see you and perhaps copy from you, therefore the image you dropped before the student’s remains your image before the students and others who may come across them.
(n) Seriousness, your Carefulness and sincerity should be your spiritual garment,
Because your students are reading you as a man reads a book, therefore any of your weakness is observed by them. Remember, they are not primary school children but adults who manage their affairs in the society without you.
(O) Prepare yourself very well before going to the school by having the course
(Handout) not only in your hand as a book but by having it in your heart, in
Your brain, in your tongue, in your memory and in your action. This is very
Important because if you fail to prepare yourself you can’t prepare others
Because self preparation is easier than external preparation.
There is no organization without rules, the rules tell us what to do and what to avoid. In this college also to know what to do and all to avoid will help the lecturers and make the college doubtlessly grow. The teachers should be attentive and careful to follow the
under listed rules for the harmony and growth of EL Theological college (Eltheco) Aba.
i. Lecturers must be studious and must master all the courses they are handling and should avoid all casual and hasty approaches to classes. They should prepare in advance before going to their classes.
ii. Lecturers must be neatly dressed, with well combed hair, well polished shoes and gently appeared either in traditional attire or in any material that will not
speak more of the world.
iii. Lecturers must respect themselves, especially where it concerns money. Theyshould not borrow money from the students, nor collect money from the students without giving them the handout nor should any lecturer show his or her greater interest on money to destroy his or her reputation before the students whom he or she is teaching. They should not belittle the college order because of money.
iv. Examination should be taken only on the day mapped out for it. Any students who did not take his or her exam on the very day of the examination should be reported to the president through the dean of studies for his or her exam to be Rescheduled. No examination will take place outside the school hall (Classroom). Any teacher found violating this order will be dismissed.
v. Lateness is not allowed without tangible excuse as we know our students are adult who can reason like us and we shall show them the true spirit of seriousness as we teach them. We also know how wrong it is for our students to be in their classes at the periods of studies while the lecturer (s) is yet on the way coming. Teachers must be in their classes at their periods.
vi. It is wrong for a lecturer to borrow books, biro, handouts or study materials from his fellow lecturer, from the office or from the president without returning that as he or she promised, this is sin and has disqualified the lecturers to be a teacher of righteousness, therefore avoid this.
vii. No lecturer will travel especially on his lecture days without informing the president for possible adjustment in the college.
viii. No lecturer has right to introduce any course without the approval of the president, neither should a lecturer teach with any text book, handout or course material without the presidents’ approval of such material, therefore lecturers should present their teaching materials, text books or handout to the president before ever such course(s) will be introduced to the classes.
ix. Selling of handout should not be a means of discouraging the students, hence forth, lectures should make the cost of every hand out officially known to the president’s office.
x. Exam fee is to be collected only from the students sitting for the examination in the class on the very day of the examination and this fee will never be beyond what the president has approved. No private examination is accepted by any student who did not take his examination on the exam day.
xi. Chapel service is not the duty of the students alone but the combined service of the lecturers and the students.
xii. It is the right of every lecturer to meet the president concerning his salary, unpaid salary, salary increment, poor salary, nonpayment of salary or condition of services as it affects him or her to discuss the matter once and for all with the president hence no outside word will be accepted concerning these and should be regarded as hypocrisy.
xiii. No strong announcement will be made in the school that will affect studies, students lives, strong discussion or matter liable to affect the state government
without the president’s approval and that must be written in the official announcement book of this college.
xiv. Lecturers have right to report to the president their ill feelings, bad treatment, offences, what bad the students, fellow lecturers, the management or outsiders have done to them.
xv. Lecturers without excuses should forward their marked exams not later than 2 days after any examination to the registrar of the college for proper Documentation.
xvi. Lecturers during examination should be around to monitor their papers before the students and no lecturer should set his exams and give gap hence that is Unacademic and unacceptable.
xvii. The business of the lecturer as a teacher is quite different from academic in Service training where he or she is undergoing training in this college or else where. His or her in-service training (studies) should be seen as a full business of its own. Very different from his office as a lecturer none of them is existing because of each other neither should any lecturer think he has such right when such is not obtainable else where. This means, no lecturer as a student or has right of Admission without payment of tuition fees because he is a lecturer.
xviii. Any lecturer in this college whose condition of teaching or service is not yet rectified or settled with the management should quickly meet the president for such matter.
xix. Hence we have 28 credit hours (28 study hours a month) any lecturer who can not finish his course before the stipulated period should think other wise or carry as much as he can happily teach and score the credit and honor attached to that.
xx. The preparation of the handouts, course outlines, selection of the text books hence forth will be after the courses were shared within the lecturers and not after the school has resumed, this is bad and shows a sign of unseriousness. A copy of every handout or study material prepared by a lecturer in this college for the teaching of our students must be given to the president to keep in the office for the future reference purposes.
xxi. Retaking of all failed or omitted exams by the students will be fixed the same day in our hall, therefore lecturers are mandated to list the names of students who failed their exams and those who did not take their exams for proper arrangement on when their exam will be fixed and be taken.
xxii. At the end of every trimester, every lecturer is required to present his handout to and to show the president the lesson in his or her handout which he taught to the students and the ones he or she did not teach (this is to help the presidents evaluate the level of teaching given to the students in such course).
xxiii. Any course handled by the lecturer that was not properly and exhaustively taught or did not reach the level that will give the students a needed understanding of such course will be repeated, it is based on this fact that the lecturer should struggle to do justice to their course at the end of every trimester.
xxiv. For administrative harmony and smooth running of the entire system matter that are necessary to be sent only to the president, will definitely be sent to the president, those for the registrar will be sent to the registrar. While issues for the dean of students’ life will also be referred to the dean of students’ life, matters for students’ president, labour prefect and others will be referred to the officers in charge of such cases respectively.
xxv. Remember the whole world is our parish as we have just started in Aba and with new effort at Kaduna, we shall reach Ghana, Liberia, Togo, Gabon, Cameroon and other parts of Africa and the entire world at large; we shall Capture the entire world of Islam and build our ministries there. To achieve these things, we shall understand that training missionaries, evangelists and church planters will be among other great visions and burdens behind our existence.
xxvi. Our Bible college though the newest among other Bible college in the city. still, many Bible Colleges are demanding our handouts, course materials and our courses in general which we have not allowed for now, I therefore charge the lecturers not to give our handouts to outsiders without the approval of the president. Before giving our materials to such Bible colleges, official letters from their president demanding that must be received.
xxvii. Class register must be marked and class roll call must be made by the lecturers any time they go to the class for their lecturers, and to evaluate the students attendance and seriousness in their studies.
xxviii. It might be regarded as absence on the side of the lecturer if he or she neglect to mark the attendance book (class register), therefore lectures should try as each class for their lecturers.
xxix. The class register (attendance book) will always be kept by the class prefect or chairman who perhaps will help the lecturer to call the names of students if the lecturer attended classes in each course he /she is teaching will reflect in the attendance book (class register), this of course will help the president to advise, correct and or even comment where necessary. Lecturers are free will agents who have right of choice but the above rules are the basis standards of this college.
There is one temptation that might be very visible to the teachers in the Bible Colleges. That temptation is “forgetting the type of persons they are” and comparing themselves with the secular teachers elsewhere.
We are peculiar people, precious people, anointed people, chosen people, called people and blessed people of God. We are miracle people, faith people, prosperous people and holy generation, our rewards are not only on earth but also in heaven. God is our father and cares for our services here on earth, for us to lay a practical example to the subjects and others around. We shall live exemplary lives and shall also set pattern for others to follow. In the very pursuit of this truth we shall posses and exhibit the following qualities:i. We shall be holy, living without offences towards men and towards God.
Ii. We shall be sincere in all our dealings with people in this college, in our churches, in the fellowships, in the markets, in the secular dealings or in the society; above all, we shall be sincere to God.
Iii. We shall live life worthy of emulation and commendation.
iv. We shall be our brother’s keepers praying for others and helping the needy.
v. We shall be careful on what we speak, hence life and death are in the power of the tongue, therefore negative confession, slanderous words, gossip, boasting, lying and all evil that may come out of tongues should not be found among us, neither shall we be victims of evil words.
vi. We shall be true and real of Jesus and always confess his power to heal, power to save, power to bless and His power to work miracles which we preach daily, and help people know that the gospel is real.
vii. It is true that there are many fake preachers today, many dupes on the pulpit, many false prophets, deceivers with the Bibles and many liars still we shall live the life that will make the public realize that there are still sincere men of God who have not defiled themselves with the evils of these last days.
xvi. Above every other thing, the Bible College teacher must be known through faith and faithfulness.
xvii. He must support the vision of the College and help the authority of the College to realize such vision.
Xviii. Every Bible College teacher must be a person of clean heart in all his dealings with men and with God.
Xix. He must be prayerful, truthful, obedient, sincere and always in good relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Bible in the hand without the Bible in the heart is idolatry, “therefore, He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not is a sinner”.
The bible college lecturers at times forget themselves and what they are doing. Here we are to help the lecturers understand what they are doing and who they are. Before taking the lecturers to whom they are, we shall understand the church, the life of the church and mission of the church.
1. The Church: This is called out, the separated, the living organ, the wife of the Lord and the holy body of Jesus waiting for his second coming. The church should be holy, blameless, spotless, sound, spiritual and ever abiding in the truth. The
Question may arise, if the church should be up to such enumerate qualities above “who should it to be so” the answer to this question is the pastors and if the pastors are in the task of bringing the church to such standard who then make the pastors? The answer to this is that the Bible College lecturers build the pastors who should build the church.
2. Who then is a lecturer: He is the maker of those that make the church, the builder of church builders; the equipper of church equippers, the teacher of church teachers, the pastor of church pastors, the church might die if the Bible College lecturer has no life in him. The Bible college lecturer is life planter and truth planter. The church fails today because the minister failed, while the ministers failed because of the Bible College of their background. The failure of the Bible colleges and their lectures are the failure of the entire Christendom, based on this, the theological college lecturers are expected to be great, lively, spiritual and always sound.
3. The spiritual life of the lecturer: The Bible is the word of God and God is spirit therefore whosoever would handle the Bible must be spiritual. The life of the Bible College lecturer must be very transparent, unsuspicious, clean and clear. He must be a holy man, truthful, plain and always at the side of God. Hence a Bible College lecturer is life planter His existence must be full of life and light in order to transfer such to others who might live through his teachings.
4. Selfless and sincere services: The greatest sin among the ministers is handling the Bible with hypocrisy. As many as handle the Bible as teachers must be like Jesus in sincere and selfless services. Bible is the word of God in human literature and the word of any person is that person (the word of man is man) “who said that? It is Uche. Which means the speaker is his word, if so, handling the Bible with deceit is handling God with deceit. Diligence, obedience, sincerity, faith and faithfulness are expected of every lecture in the Bible College. Holiness without sincerity is a deceit as salvation without faith and faithfulness is fake and false.
5. Studious life of the lecturer: If he is not studious, he can not teach, it is crime to study the course, the handout or the materials at the same time with the students and still claim to be their lecturer. It is either you study and teach or you fail and drop. Every lecturer in the Bible college must be studious, scholastic and must have deeper interest in reading, because there is no other way to describe a well read person than “WELL READ” and this great information in a lecturer was as a result of his greater research, competent reading, studious life and scholastic approach to book of like discipline.
6. Compassion to Students: Every good lecturer gaind his students through compassion. The level of understanding, level of social knowledge and academic backgrounds of the whole students are not the same. Some were highly educated before their call, some were middle class, while some are poor citizens and illiterates before their call, and still one lecturer is called to teach them, perhaps in one class, then what might the lecturer do in order to groom them equally? He can do nothing than to apply great compassion, courage and fatherly care to all especially the poor and illiterate ones among them. Compassion goes with patience and acre. The lecturer must seek ways to help the students, assist them,
and pray with them. He must advise them, encourage them and finally show them (students) their inheritance in Christ Jesus. It is a great crime for the lecturer to constitute the issues of discouragement, fear and failure to the student. Every lecture is a father in the college, to the class he is teaching and great father to each student that comes across him.
7. Leadership Quality of the Lecturer: Any lecturer without leadership quality and ability will make little impact in his teaching. It is only the leader that makes leaders and without a lecturer becoming a leader, he can not take the student to the higher level. For the lecturer to succeed in his teaching. He must posses that quality that must attract others to him and must learn how to register anew thought each time he goes to class and must have it as a goal to go to each class with new things that must make him to be demanded by the students. He must aim at taking the students to a higher level, must always direct, lead, draw attention of students and must control the students’ emotion, weakness and fears. A leader is the person that comes with a new leadership style every day.
8. Prayer life of the lecturer: No one can handle the word of God either as an offensive weapon or as defensive Amour without enough prayers. Every lecturer in the Bible College must be a prayer warrior consciously or unconsciously. He is mandated to pray for himself, to pray for teaching unction, for boldness, for wisdom, for wider knowledge, for spiritual stability and influence of God in him. His prayer is not enough if he fails to pray for this Bible College, for its growth, its advancement, peace and for the success of the college. He also owns every class and students under him. He should not, stand up from his knees without bringing his students to God daily as he prays. A Bible College lecturer must by all necessity be a man of prayer. He can never succeed if he never considers his teaching godly. Prayer is the key to the success of every Bible College teacher. Pray without ceasing 1 Thess 5:17.
9. Fear of God: It may sound strange to hear that the teachers in the Bible institutes do not have the fear of God. If the fear of God is not found in a lecturer, he will produce pastors without the fear of God and pastors in turn produce members without fear of God, thus, many churches nowadays are clubs and godless congregations. Why? It is because of godless mentors. The Bible College is a stream where all waters flow. The lecturer must respect God in his speeches, in his actions, in his dealings with opposite sex, in his dealing with money, in his appearance and in his daily business in the college.
10. Jesus like Teaching: If the Bible college teacher is not teaching like JESUS he is teaching like Judas. Paul says follow me, as I follow Jesus. Infact, Jesus should be the example, the model and the focus of every Bible College teacher. Jesus teaching was very direct, powerful, real, understanding and sharp but still full of love, humility, compassion, faith and faithfulness. We are Jesus ambassadors and if we are not representing him, we are not for him. We must teach, peach and act like Jesus who sent us to go into the world to make disciples.
As the church is the business of God so is the Bible College the business of God. The church is the believers prepared for the rapture and departure while
the Bible college, EL Theological college in particular is where those who prepare. the churches are prepared. The Bible College like the church has dual businesses on earth.
A. Spiritual Business: This tends to bring the ministers to spiritual mood, charismatic consciousness and deep worship awareness.
b. The social or secular business, which tends to control the physical activities, physical incomes and the social administration of the college. Among these are convocations, incomes, studies and other necessary issues.
1. Graduation and Matriculation: There shall be matriculation of new students and graduation of the qualified students every year. This outing must be accompanied with honorary awards, meritorious awards and issuance of certificates to the citizens of Nigeria.
2. Advert: The admin council of the campus should find the possible means to advertise their campus, either through banner, posters, handbills, radio, TV or through the internal efforts of the students by bringing called men and women to our college. The students may be promised or assured of incentives, such as scholarship, special marks or certificates of services.
3. Handout and Courses: Every handout to be used must be supervised by the president or the rector on behalf of the president to assure its merit before using that in our Bible College. No under rated handout is allowed hence our Bible College is a university.
5. Graduation Credits: Our diploma studies still remain two years with out less than 98 courses before graduation while our Bachelor students spend four years or two years after their diploma with not less than 180courses before graduation and the evidence of this must be clear before the president who will check all these on his arrival. Our master’s degree students spend 18 months after their bachelor courses while our doctorate degree courses last for three years after the master’s degree courses. No student will be allowed to graduate without clearing all his or her debt in the college, while such emphasis should early before examinations.
6. Monetary matters: All payments should be made to the bursar alone, while the disbursement will be approved by the president or whom he delegated. Clear records should be kept for both incomes and the expenditures. Every trimester must experience disbursement and banking.
7. Lecturers payment and training programme: We do not employ any lecturer without a post graduate paper. Any lecturer without up to masters degree paper or on his process to obtain the same shall not be employed hence our college is a university .
Nevertheless, we make it compulsory to train those to post graduate degree programmes. Our method is to train in our college lectures while they take care of their tuition fees, graduation fees and all about their studies, but those who can not meet up with the fees are also allowed to study while their support or allowances should be used as their tuition fees even though theirs are lower than their study cost in our institution.
8. Lecturer’s Integrity: Our lecturers should be disciplined, saved, holy and always truthful. Lecturers should not be liars, money lovers, college and God’s money destroyers, position seeker, money seekers and unclean ministers. Our lecturers’ testimonies and stories should not be associated with evil, either in their churches, in the society, in their homes or even in our college.
Both the lecturers and the Bible College as divine institution have specific spiritual works
to do in the college and in the hearts and lives of the students among these are as
This duty is to convert the students who joined the college by desire and social persuasions but without conversion and without the new birth experience in their lives.
This duty is to restore the backsliders who have resisted Gods calling and have joined the Bible college as backsliders who have lost their joy of salvation and their spiritual connections with God.
This duty is to build the student to be some thing different from what he was before he joined the Bible college. This is true because some have fear, some with doubt, some with weakness, others with confusion and needed to be built and equipped.
There is no called man or woman without spiritual and hidden potentials either known or unknown to that person, still this potential cannot be used or benefitted by him or others without proper development by the institution. No students should remain the same way, level and the same weight he came with, he needs to be developed because he is living with untouched resources. Students need development to make them function properly.
Naturally, people attend various institutions. Then, the question may arise, who then would impart life to these students? The greatest duty of the lecturer is to impart life to the students and other ministerial benefits. If the lecturer has nothing to impart to the students, he is not teaching and all his exercises are meaningless.
The teacher is primarily teaching to exchange knowledge and information to the student. In fact all he (lecturer) has acquired, all that the students are lacking in them so if the students after their studies remain the same, the blame will go to the lecturer who did not know what he is teaching. Every lecturer is expected to always give new knowledge to the students.
Here grooming means all things necessary to train, build, equip, develop, help, care and disciple the students. The aim of this grooming is to produce, impart and plant enviable, desirable and needed life, character and behaviour in the students. The tongue, view and actions of the students must be changed if truly he attended a Bible college, especially a Bible College like EL Theological College or International Institute of Missions. The greatest vision of the Bible College lecturer is to groom the students to good life, good character and good behaviour.
Another important duty or business of the Bible college and the lecturer is to give knowledge, information and education to the students. In fact every Bible college student of this era needs education, in order to get him well equipped which should empower him to speak and win educated sinners, and to pastor educated and well informed members. If the pastor is not well educated he hardly can pastor and lead well educated members in his local church, therefore, the lecturers in the Bible college like EL Theological college should stick at educating the Bible college students. Give! Give!! Give!!! Give them in order to lead the people of God. In all your giving, Give educated to students and watch out what their churches would be in future. Yes! Education is power.
Here we refer the 10 commandments to matters of great compulsion, while the laws are
Matters that attract promotion if obeyed or demotion if despised.
You shall aim at building and not destruction because destruction lies at the door post of the destroyer, while he that builds for God shall be blessed by God.
2. You should be prayerful, always studious and teach with understanding.
would despise the office of the lecturers.
4. You should not quarrel, slander, hate or speak any word that would bring your faith
to doubtful seat nor that which may bring the college to shame.
5. You should not live contrary, act contrary or do those things ministers can not do or
things you wouldn’t permit Christians to do.
6. You should not cheat the students nor aim at their pockets; neither do things that
would make the students to see as money minister.
7. You should not establish another Bible College while in this Bible College as a staff,
neither should you use any students or group of them to start another Bible College.
8. You should not give our handouts to other Bible Colleges, nor to the non students of our college as most of our courses are rarely found in other colleges.
9. You should not oppress the students nor hate those poor ones who never get your handouts.
10. You should not collect money from the students in order to give them higher marks, nor take bribes, neither give higher marks to students through the gates of favoritism.
When we talk of laws of promotion, we equally consider laws of demotion and crisis as well. The word of God expresses the same in Deut 28:1-14,15-68 and Deut 11:26-28. Obedience to the truth has always been the secret of promotion, while disobedience has always produced crisis, death and failures. Here we have the same. Before and during the birth of El Theological College and other ministries of the founder, he entered into seven (7) days covenant with God and among the things he agreed with God was that he (Prof. Ononuju) should not start any of his ministries from any existing ministry, nor should he break or use other members or students from other Bible College to start his own ministry and that any man or woman who may tear, break, intend to change the sign post or intend to tear El- Theological College and any other ministry of Ononuju’s family MUST surely miss, lose and be denied of his church and must surly have death, deserter, accident, failures, poverty, or crisis in his home, life or ministry.
Below are the laws.
i. Tuition fee must be paid before supplying your handout to students.
ii. Lecturers must be the extended hands of the bursar to collect the tuition fees and other monetary issues in the college.
iii. No course shall be taught in the college without approval of the president.
iv. Handouts must reach the students at least two weeks after class resumption in the school.
v. Lecturers must represent the interest of the school and buy the vision of the president.
vi. Teachers must not be late in the class unless with tangible excuses.
vii. Teachers shall not absent themselves from the school, nor should there be any voluntary withdrawal from the class before the closing time.
viii. Respect of authority which is a part of holiness shall start with the lecturers, down to the students.
ix. The word of God, the ground we match, the heaven we shall go, the sky and all breathing things are against any lecturer or teacher who shall break or split EL Theological College or International Institute of Missions. Such person will pay that with the future life, progress and peace of his or her family. Any lecturer who wants to resign should inform the president in advance and should desire his fatherly blessings before his resignation from our school.
There are many officers taken from the teaching staff of the college, among are the officers below
1. The Rector: The rector is the head of the campus administration in the campus and the chairman of the teaching staff in our college .
2. The Deputy Rector: The deputy rector is the second in power of the campus administration who acts at the absence of the rector and can do act that the rector can do when the rector is not on seat.
3. The Dean of Studies: This is the academics administrator of the college who manages academic related issues under the rector. He is to plan for exams, course and academic issues with the rector
4. The Registrar: This is the college administrative secretary and the admission director of the college. He is in charge of admission, matriculation, graduation and all academic and administrative letters.
5. Director Christian Ministry: This is director of the students fields and other gospel activities as long as they are in our college. He motivates and encourages and supervises students ministerial activities weekly.
6. The Chaplain: This is the lecturer in charge of worship and all chapel related activities in our college including prayers. He organizes prayers and spiritual related programmes in the college
7. The Dean of Students life: This is the lecturer in charge of the indoor activities welfare and other matters relating to the students and also sees about the spiritual and social activities of the students.
The board of the teaching staff that manages, the local campus is called “ THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL” which comprises the Rector< Deputy Rector, Deacon of Studies , Director of the post graduate school, Registrar. This council meets and carries out the college programmes.
Not be theoretical teacher, but practical teacher who does what he teaches and preaches. Our lecturers must live and teach by their practical life examples and should make others to follow their steps. Students always like to observe and discover the teachers practical life before accepting his practical teaching. Based on these, our lecturers must be exemplary men and women who have the call to build the kingdom and never the call to obtain money from the school or me.
AMBASSADORS: Above every other thing, teaches in a holy Bible college like ours must see him or her self as Ambassador of Christ, whose duties are to represent Jesus and to continue the works of Jesus on earth. Jesus was the healer of broken hearted persons, saviour of sinners, helper of the weak and the comforter to the discouraged. The lecturer must bear these in mind as long as he continues his teaching activities in El Theological College and International Institute of Missions. Our teachers are ambassadors and can never do the works without ambassadorial hearts and spirits.
PARENT TO STUDENTS: Every lecturer in our college should assume the position of a father or mother to the student and should treat desire, pray and care for them as he or she does to his or her own child. With this heart of parenthood, every lecturer must seek the best way to build and develop the students mentally spiritually and academically.
We emphasize, heart purity, high academic standard and sound integrity. We proclaim visible and clean moral standards and set visible examples of both Christian education, bible education, Secular education and Theological education based on holiness, love and spirituality.
Based on these, our lecturers must be holy, spiritual, truthful, Bible based with visible evidences of sanctification in order to produce holy and heaven conscious students who in turn shall produce holy, spiritual and rapture conscious Christians in their churches .
1. Make the Student to be a Christian
2. Make the Student to be a holy Christian
3. Make the Student to be a mature Christian
4. Make the Student to be a Charismatic Christian
5. Make the Student to be academic Minister
6. Make the Student to be visionary minister
7. Make the Student to have leadership quality
Our lecturers are expected to developed the students to these seven important levels as the tasks and targets of their teaching the students in a holy Bible college like ours.
1. Do not resign with crisis but resign honorably when such time comes that the president may pray for you and pronounce blessings upon you.
2. Do not create wrong impression of the college outside, nor that of your fellow lecturers as this may pay you spiritual dent of failures and troubles as long as you live.
3. Do not plan to destroy the college, nor contribute to change the sign post nor plan evil, neither to do any thing that would make this college to lose its focus as this may rob you the peace of your family, progress and health of your family and the stability of your church.
4. Do not be a caterpillar in this Bible College, but be a pillar to contribute your quota to the growth of this Bible College as “He that watered shall also be watered” but death and destruction lie at the door post of the destroyer.
5. Do not create impression that you are hated, neither lure the students to yourself as these may create internal problem in he college and paint you with another dent of hypocrisy which may physically result to loss of good health.
6. Do not despise the president, nor disrespect him, neither curse him as this may return a severe curse to you and to your immediate plans.
7. Do not envy the growth of this Bible College, neither the success of other lecturers in their offices ,nor the talent of your fellow staff, but pray for them and pray for yourself because envy must surly lead to high blood pressure at last.
8. Do not disregard the instructions from the president, neither disobey his order or look down on his age, stature or background to avoid disobedience and negligence in your family, office and your ministry.
9. Do not completely rely on what the president is paying you or what he would pay you if you think you are working for God, but depend on the joy of fulfilling your ministry and rewards from God to a diligent worker.
The rewards from God may come with good health, long life, material
Blessings, open doors, connections and answer to prayers…think on
10. Do not mismanage your office in this college, neither misuse any fund, nor cheat in your accounts as the fruits of these may later generate to total disappointment, poverty ,failure, regret and trouble where ever such wrong money has entered.
1. Be you holy for I am holy “says God”
2. Thou shall not steal, nor cheat; neither kill, but thou shall worship the Lord with all your heart, all your soul and all your might.
3. Looking unto Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.
4. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of ungodly.
5. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but he that confesseth all shall have mercy.
6. Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall eat and sit with kings and not with mere men.
As many as have handled chalks in El. Theological college to teach students, shall Reap the uncountable blessings from God, including long life, Eternal life in heaven,Open doors on earth, prosperity in business and open doors in personal desires. Dear lecturer, you are not helping the president nor working for him, but you are Fulfilling your ministry, hoping for your rewards from God.
El Theological College has different academic programmes for the students as follows.
(A) Certificate programmes - 12 Months or one year
(B) Diploma Programmes - 24 Months or two years
(C) Bachelor Degree programmes - 48 Months or four years.
Available certificate Programmes.
1. Certificate of Evangelism
2. Certificate of Christian leadership
3. Certificate of Christian Conduct
4. Certificate of Christian Ministry
5. Certificate of Spiritual Life
6. Certificate of Bible Knowledge
7. Certificate of Christian Workers.
Available Diploma Programmes
1. Diploma of Theology
2. Diploma of Missions
3. Diploma of Biblical Studies
4. Diploma of Christian Minsitries
5. Diploma of Christian Worship
6. Diploma of Christian Leadership
7. Diploma of Flock Domestication
8. Diploma of Ministerial Arts
9. Diploma of pastoral Ministry.
Available Programmes in Bachelor Degree.
1. Bachelor of Theology
2. Bachelor of Missions
3. Bachelor of Biblical Studies
4. Bachelor of Christian Ministry
5. Bachelor of Church Management
6. Bachelor of Religious Education
7. Bachelor of Christian Education
8. Bachelor of Ecclesiology
9. Bachelor of Church Administration
10. Bachelor of Pastoral C ounseling
11. Bachelor of Christian Worship
12. Bachelor of Bible Ethics
13. Bachelor of Ecclesiological Philosophy
14. Bachelor of Leadership Theology
15. Bachelor of Christian Graphology
16. Bachelor of Bible Ethnology
17. Bachelor of Pastoral Theology
18. Bachelor of Ministerial Arts
19. Bachelor of Divinity
20. Bachelor of Vine yard mannerism.
21. Bachelor of church management
Each department in this college has closer to 100 courses, while some have more than 100 courses and each trimester goes with one department, while the whole of the 13 departments cover a full session of four years studies in our college. Going through these departments will assure the reader that our Bible College truly stands as the head. Read on.